November 22, 2012

Happy Turkey Day

Regardless of your ethnicity, geographical location, religious beliefs, and/or your general feelings regarding the "true" history of the holiday, one thing cannot be denied: Thanksgiving is a day intended to stuff yourself silly.  So while fighting your way out of your inevitable meat coma, please feel free to use this space as a spot to jot down what you're thankful for in our chosen genre this year.  

I'll even start, that's how helpful I'm feeling this week.

- I'm thankful for long-ass breaks with no clearly defined length.

- I'm thankful for the two readers who put up with long-ass breaks with no clearly defined length. 

- I'm thankful that the soundtrack to The Man With The Iron Fists was as good as the actual movie was cheesy. I mean cheesy in a good way, since I enjoy that kind of shit, but cheesy nonetheless.

- I'm thankful for Reader Reviews, which have helped fill the space on the site when I'm creatively blocked and not just on hiatus.  (By the way, I'm always on the lookout for more.  Shoot me an e-mail with your ideas if interested.  Please and thank you.)

- I'm honestly just thankful that someone is actually reading this sentence, let alone this site.  Kind of makes me want to start writing again.

Your turn.



  1. I'm thankful for Max' reviews of albums we that love, that he hates.
    -Danny C.

  2. Action Bronson has really been making my year. I also really appreciate that he's been getting the recognition he truly deserves.

  3. I'm thankful that you just might start writing again.

    I'm also thankful for the Black Hippy (solo)releases.

  4. THE MAN WITH THE IRON FIST SOUNDTRACK.....and heems album.

  5. I'm thankful for this blog, because over the last few years its put me onto more new hip hop than anything else. GOOD hip hop too. Kudos

    1. this. Thanks from reader #3

  6. Much love to max for putting together this lil blog for us and like dude said its increased my hip hop knowledge and even made me purchase the CDs instead of d/l like a motherfucker much appreciation from australia. Hhid is international! Looking forward to reading more posts in the future. Peace

  7. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in my country, but I'm thankful for this blog as others before me said.

    Keep it up Max!

  8. I'm thankful that the comments in 2pac's "All Eyez On Me" never cease to crack me up, even when I'm feeling down.

  9. I'm thankful for my clairvoyance, which tells me that an Immortal Technique weekathon is in the pipeline.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I hope you are aware of the level of influence you have in hip hop. Now obviously you aren't The Source or XXL, but I would guess you have a modest sized pool of readers. And when you recommend an album, I always give it a shot. Your tastes are usually pretty good, so the shit usually bangs. I then share it with my homies, and they with theirs, and so on and so on..

    So when a new artist comes out, your recommendation could garner him hundreds of new fans, which isn't easy to accomplish on your own..

    1. Pretty sure everything Max puts up is either well known by rap fans or hip-hop supporters (there isn't exactly what you call much "obscure" acts on here), the fact you have to share these things with your "homies" really illustrates the sad times hip-hop is in now.

  12. I'm thankful for Hip Hop period!! and FOOD.. and GAMES.. and women.. And..

  13. I already write reviews because of you and I wanna do a reader review.

    Gimme the email info!
