March 5, 2025

RandoMax Radio Presents: Wu-Wednesday #11

Got something a little bit different for you this week. While the series is still called Wu-Wednesdays, which provides its own built-in limitation regarding content, it says nothing about the actual scope of the subject, which, as of today’s episode, includes shows devoted to instrumental tracks. Not necessarily instrumentals to Wu-Tang songs, mind you, although those obviously count. No, this episode features Wu-related material without lyrics. Except for the lyrics that appear, because I’m only able to work with what’s available.

If that description sounds confusing, don’t fret: it gave me a headache when I read over it again. You should probably listen to the episode to help alleviate that pain.

A reminder: the first three episodes have been pulled from the server for spatial reasons, but the songs from both (at least the ones that are available on the service) remain on the RandoMax Radio Spotify channel, with older episodes being added when they get deleted from the website.



February 26, 2025

RandoMax Radio Presents: Wu-Wednesday #10


This week brought news of the final tour of the Wu-Tang Clan, at least as a group. Which makes sense, given that they haven’t been complete since the passing of Ol’ Dirty Bastard, regardless of how good his son Boy Jones was at cosplaying that role on stage. Time marches on, stopping for no one, so I suppose we should send the Wu their flowers while they’re still here.

At least the music will last forever, at long as the technology exists to broadcast music in the first place, since I’m sure we’re all on edge anticipating an Alex Garland-esque civil war to begin any day now. Instead of doomscrolling first thing today, I’d suggest you give this week’s edition of the limited-run Wu-Wednesdays series a try, as it might help offset your anger (or joy, I guess, although if the latter describes you, I’ll just assume you aren’t in the United States, because otherwise my political rhetoric would have warned you long ago that we aren’t on the same team). 

A reminder: episodes one and two have been pulled from the server for spatial reasons, but the songs from both (at least the ones that were available at the time) remain on the RandoMax Radio Spotify channel, with older episodes being added when they get deleted from the website.



February 19, 2025

RandoMax Radio Presents: Wu-Wednesday #9

I happen to believe that these mixes are solid entryways into the lore of the Wu-Tang Clan and their vast, ever-evolving family. So much so that I encourage the two of you to share an episode with someone who has no freaking idea what these guys are about. Maybe not this particular episode, as it admittedly gets a little bit inside baseball at times, but an episode. Possibly the first one, if you are so inclined.

Oh wait, the first episode is no longer available on the RandoMax Radio site. Sadly, it had to be removed due to spacial limitations over on Mixcloud that could be solved if I had some money (hint, hint). However, I've come through with a solution. I’ve revived my RandoMax Radio Spotify profile and have added a new Wu-Wednesdays playlist that will house the songs after they’re evicted off of the website. Yes, this isn’t exactly the same experience as listening to the goofy mixes, so you don't get the extra bits, but the music remains the same, and the Mixcloud page will still carry the more recent episodes, so you can still get your fill of indulgent, silly Max over there while sharing the Spotify link with your friends and family.

Anyway, it’s Wednesday, and I’ve already written too many words.



February 12, 2025

RandoMax Radio Presents: Wu-Wednesday #8

Today happens to be the eighteenth anniversary of the blog. Eighteen years is a very long time to do anything, let alone writing opinions and critiques on the Interweb just because you like talking about music and wish to foster a community of like-minded nerds who enjoy pop culture and sarcasm just as much as I do. This auspicious occasion, which will promptly be followed by the blog finally being able to vote in the United States just as elections have been eradicated nationwide, just so happens to fall on a Wednesday this year, so those looking for a way to celebrate with me are invited to listen to this week’s edition of the limited-run Wu-Wednesdays series, filled to the brim with Wu-Tang Clan favorites, lesser-knowns, and some other random shit, for funsies.

Those of you two who happen to have a paid subscription to the Patreon might find an alternative way to celebrate over there as well. Just keep it on the hush hush tip, and yep, I see what I did there.


February 5, 2025

RandoMax Radio Presents: Wu-Wednesday #7

It's Wednesday again, if you can believe it, which means another new episode of the limited Wu-Wednesdays series, celebrating the Wu-Tang Clan and their myriad affiliates by showcasing their influence on our chosen culture (read: by playing some damn fine music). I know, I can't believe we're already at the seventh episode - 2025 is going by far too quickly, and yet it also can't end soon enough. If you also live in the United States, you know what I mean.

Here's a forty-minute distraction from the dumpster fire that is our "government"!


January 29, 2025

RandoMax Radio Presents: Wu-Wednesday #6


Wu-Wednesday brings you two something to look forward to every Wednesday, at least for a while. A mix of old and new, popular and not so much, these mixes all have one thing in common: they're all co-signed by me, a Wu-stan who has been out here since the early 1990's. And no, that doesn't mean this blog has been around as long as that, that would have been weird, since the Wu pre-dates the prevalence of the information superhighway, and fuck, now I feel old as dirt.

Anyway, enjoy!


January 22, 2025

RandoMax Radio Presents: Wu-Wednesday #5


Just because the world as we know it has come to an end doesn't mean we can't enjoy some music while we sort out plans for the revolution. The Wu-Tang Clan has always been a go-to of mine when it comes for aggressive bars and competitive shit-talking, and today's installment of the weekly Wu-Wednesdays series, the fifth in a limited series, shows off some of the best examples of that particular trope. Give it a spin while plotting your revenge, yeah?

Wu-Tang is for the children!
